The Peter Calthorpe's  ideas are a interesting point of view about urbanism and the situation that occur between climate change and the urbanism. The way that we live talks to the shape of the humankind currently. Cities like Santiago belong to this situation and a look to the population mobility is a problem that we resolve with efficient public politics in subject like transport and urban planning. However Peter Calthorpe no mentions problems that big cities have about economic class, and sexual division, matters that configurated the mobilty experience, this associated a his idea about the cities where the main means of transport will be walk or the bikes. In cities like Santiago the people choose cars because this are safety means of transport more than subway or bus and walks or bikes are situations that put in risk our well-being with the robbery or sexual abuse in the worst-case scenario, then, this idea is practically an utopian or is generated for cities where the safety is guaranteed.
Resultado de imagen para peter calthorpe 7 principles for building better cities
The idead that I talk about walkable streets
To change the way we lived first we need change the ideological structures that we put down like class hierarchy and the patriarcal behaviour that converted this fantastic ideas in sterile ways to change the method that we build our cities, cities that guaranteed a form to live interconnect between us and with the environment.


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