Resultado de imagen para shaman king
Shaman Kinng the serial thats inspired me
It's funny the reason why for that I study Archaeology. When I was 7 or 8 years old I watch anime with my brother. In these years the channel called "Fox Kids" broadcast serials like "Shaman King" in this, the worlds based in fights with arms or objects past that relationated with spirits of warriors, elementals, gods, angels and others. All of this is organizated for a tribe called "Apaches" a tribal culture of USA then I started to interest for past tribes and for the objects of past times.

Years later when I was 16 years old my brother was study Anthropology in Universidad de Concepción, and a day I went to his room were he study for a test and the book that he reading was about Apaches. In this moment I think to study Anthropology with Archaeology mention but Archaeology not imparted in Univesidad de Concepción. This mention only was imparted for Universidad de Chile, Universidad Austral and Universidad de Tarapaca then I Asked to my brother wich university choose and the answer was Universidad de  Chile for the years that this university imparted the mention in Chile.

Resultado de imagen para Puntas Fell

Fishtail Projectile Points from "Río Uruguay"

The things because I attracted this career are the histories that archeaologist constructed around of differents materials that found in the sites of wich can be in a micro, meso or macro scale that is in a local sector, in a landscape in specific or in a region. Others things that I attracted me throughout of the career is a draw of lithics materials like bifacials, cores, handaxes, blades and others.
One of my draws of the scrapers


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