Resultado de imagen para university of tokyo
University of Tokyo
In the future, when I finish my university career and I worked a two years on field, I'll take a PhD in Archaeology probably in a japanese university, maybe in University of Tokyo, because this grade is necessary for postulate to FONDECYT and generated investigations for subjects that I like in the future.  Furthermore this academics grades helps for postulate a teachers in many universities and in a future I like too be a teacher of Archaeology in a university. The subject that I would like to study is Lithics because is interesting and important to understand the first populates and is a record that keep well along of the time besides I like draw the records like projectile points, choppers, knifes and others. One reason why I would study in Japan is because they have a school aimed at lithic studies very interesting and detailed in its structure and that I would like to be able to implement in my own research about the first populations that arrived in the North of Chile where one of the the most important records are lithics. The way that I would like to study in Japan would be permanent in the country while I'm part of a research project in Chile, with this I pretend apply that I learned in the PhD in my own research.

Resultado de imagen para projectile points
Some Lithics


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