Actually the
work of archaeologist I would like to be able to experience it to a large
extent, I believe that being able to investigate prehistory in the Chilean
territory, especially the North, would be a great adventure. I would like to be
able to go a lot to field work, I like the outdoors and be able to dig while
discovering things in places that seem inhospitable many times. The salary of
an archaeologist I think is enough for me at the moment in the near future
because the experience of going to unusual places and seeing landscapes that
one never expected in your life is a plus that does not have a monetary value
in terms of its emotional value I would like to specialize in lithics, the artifacts
made in different types of rocks seem to me an art, it is wonderful to think of
all the phenomena that come together in the making of an artifact, the social /
cultural burdens that these have are things that I would like to study and
understand in the future.
On the other
hand the drawing associated with these pieces is something that I really like
doing now and it is something that I would like to continue perfecting over the
years, because in the future I think I would like to be a comics or manga
artist, and to be able to create stories that are related to archeology and to
the things that I lived and understood throughout my work as an archaeologist.
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