- What is your opinion about climate change?
This year I have a subject about climate change from a social science point of view and I learn that this problem must also be addressed by the social sciences people. Climate change doesn't only affects nature but also has important effects on our psychological health and community life. For this reason it is important to understand and act on how climate change affects us also beyond the economic and for future generations. This problem affects us today too and it is necessary to start changing our lifestyles leaving behind our excessive consumerism and thinking in which way we can take care of our environment, from an individual and community point. It is therefore necessary to demand that our governments are the first to consider ways of taking care for the environment.
- What is your opinion about recycling?
Due to the climate change that we face today, it is important to inform people about how to recycle. Having knowledge of this allows us to have tools to demand that governments implement recycling areas and incentivize it. In Santiago it is difficult to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, this because there is no real interest in this at the community level, so there are not enough green spots for people who have any concerns about recycling. Although it is possible to ask the reciclyng centers come to pick up your trash, this has a cost that not many are willing to pay for it. Because of this situation, it is necessary that the government generates policies that develop for a recycling culture within the population.
- What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
Regarding politicians in Chile I think I don't have a great appreciation for these. Being a politician has become more part of a business than a vocation to improve the social life of a country. With absurd salaries and almost no productivity in laws that benefit the population, politicians have been commissioned to create a country that is in the hands of large companies with politicians selected for their interests.
- What is your opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
About to the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases I think that is absolutely necessary because the woman has been suppressed in a world designed for men. The free decisions in their bodies is a first step to liberate of this situations and demand a real equality.
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